... at the speed of change.
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Hello, and welcome to my on-line portfolio
This portfolio website contains a sampling of projects from my extensive professional experience as a developer of training videos, marketing communications, Web content, technical documentation and training programs.
I created this mobile-friendly (Responsive) website using the Joomla, open-source, Content Management System (CMS). I also created the banner logo using a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
On this welcome page (Home), you will find some featured samples. The menu options include some additional samples, a resume and bio.
What is Responsive Web Design?
What is a Joomla Content Management System (CMS)?
Whiteboard Style Animation Sample Video
This video sample is part of an introduction to a 10 part series for a Caltrans (California Department of Transportation) training project. The series helps users learn about requesting and managing state highway lane closures. I used the Vyond platform to create the animation.
Cartoon Animation Sample Video
This sample cartoon video is part of a career development series for Caltrans (California Department of Transportation). The intent of the series is to give employees tips about career development as a state employee. I developed the cartoon using the Vyond platform.
Oculus for Business MarCom
For Facebook (Meta), I worked with marketing to write copy to promote Oculus for Business.
Oculus for Business: Technical Support
For Facebook (Meta), I created original technical support content and video scripts for Oculus for Business. Technical support videos were developed based on the scripts I wrote. In addition, I wrote step-by-step procedures incorporated into the technical support web pages. I also conceived of and worked with an illustrator to create the isometric illustrations incorporated into the web page procedures.

Animated Slideshow Sample
Using the Articulate plug-in for PowerPoint, here is a sample of an animated slideshow tutorial.
Soundscape design: “Galaxy Ecosystem”
I created the soundtrack for a video installation supported by National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).
The following embedded video is large (595MB) and may have latency issues playing. Here is a link to the video at the NRAO website: Galaxy Ecosystems
Cloud Service Position Paper
For Plantronics Inc., while working inside a new product incubation team, I developed a marketing position paper for the new product.

Web Based Training
For Intel Corporation, I played a major role in the development of Web based training (Distance Learning) for Intel channel partners. The sample shown here is from a project to help Intel channel partners gain hands-on experience building, branding, integrating and using Intel technology solutions. I wrote the video script, directed the live action video and wrote the associated webpage content.

Branding Messages
I created the branding tag line "Move the light, not the fiber" for Calient Networks.
This concept concisely sums-up the core technical functionality of the product while also positioning the primary business benefit.
The company's core technology involves using 3D MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical mirrors) to remotely switch laser optical paths within an optical switch (Move the Light). Switching an optical path is traditionally done by manually moving a fiber optic cable from one port to another in a patch panel (Not the Fiber). Hence, the primary business benefit of the product is to remotely switch an optical light path instead of incurring cost-intensive "truck rolls" (skilled manual labor resources) required to manually move a fiber optic cable.

Customer Support Help Documentation
For American Express Global Financial Services, I developed a help system for customer service support representatives (CSRs). At the time of this project, AMEX was introducing a pilot program for chip-integrated, smart cards. The help system enabled CSRs to answer customer's questions about using the new card.

Mobile App Help
For Fluke Networks, I created original help content for mobile apps. This sample is taken from an app that is used to detect and display Wi-Fi related information on mobile devices. I wrote in-app user interface text. In addition, I wrote and edited related FAQ content.

Cloud Service Help
At Plantronics, Inc., I was part of the incubation team developing a new soundscape cloud service. I developed the user help for managing the service by means of the associated browser based user interface.

Training Presentation Development
For Intel Corporation, I was the lead presentation developer for a new Intel/Microsoft partner solution. My responsibility entailed working with a cross-functional team of subject matter experts from both Intel and Microsoft to gather, edit, write copy and develop the training presentation. The team included project managers, engineering staff and marketing staff.

Website Sidebar Tutorial
While at Fluke Networks, it was determined that customers were having difficulty navigating a non-intuitive sequence of website pages to register the product, create the required user account and download the correct product software.
To implement a user friendly solution, I created a standalone HTML page that opened the live corporate website inside a frame on the right while a persistent frame on left contained step-by-step instructions for product registration, creating a user account and downloading software.
As the customer followed the step-by-step instructions in the left frame, they would type information into the live corporate website on the right. As the page changed in the right frame, the step-by-step instructions in the left frame were persistent and enabled the customer to continue to follow the instructions for the next step in the new webpage.

Policy and Procedure Guides
For the Automobile Association of America for Northern California, Nevada and Utah (NCNU), I created ten policy and procedure guides for various financial and record processing functions such as payment processing and financial accounting.
The documentation process involved a fast-paced combination of interviewing subject matter experts (SMEs), hands-on use of record management and payment processing software systems and iterative document reviews. I incorporated an active voice to speak directly to the reader about required job tasks along with step-by-step procedures about how to perform each task.

Best Practices White Paper
For Fluke Networks, I wrote a software solution white paper that helped customers understand the need for enterprise Wi-Fi monitoring software. The use case emphasized the value of having a product that could provide multiple layers of threat detection.

CD Sleeve Copy
While working on a Demo Kit project for Intel Corporation, I wrote the copy for a CD sleeve. I also edited contributions from the cross-functional team assigned to the project.

Software User Guides
For Fluke Networks, I created a user guide for a new, proprietary, tablet-based product. The project entailed condensing the 400+ page user guide for a sophisticated enterprise software application into a simplified "quick-start" version for inclusion with the tablet.

Hardware Installation Guides
For Calient Networks, I created the hardware installation guide for a new optical switch product. Under the guidance of a field technician, I developed step-by-step installation procedures by performing a hands-on installation .