Jeff Conn
Phone: 408-693-0930
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Video | MarCom |Content |
Skills / Experience
- Hands-on development of over 50 hours of live action and animated video instructional content.
- Whiteboard animation, cartoon animation, Camtasia animation, PowerPoint animation.
- Analysis, design and development of online eLearning and end-user help.
- Hands-on development of countless PowerPoint animated slide presentations.
- Web content development.
- Cloud content development.
- Project budgets and schedules management.
- Webinar planning, development and facilitation.
- Video script development; talent acquisition; video production and post-production.
Software tools expertise includes Microsoft Office, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Google Docs, Techsmith Camtasia, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Premier, Vyond, Canva, Articulate; Apple Logic Pro; Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator, Framemaker, Robohelp; Xmetal; Agile, Source Safe, Git, Rally, Jira, SDL LiveContent, SDL Publication Manager, Joomla; HTML, CSS.
Major Clients:
- Caltrans (California Department of Transportation)
- Facebook (Meta) Virtual Reality Labs (Oculus for Business)
- Plantronics
- Automobile Association of America (AAA)
- Netscout/Fluke Networks
- Intel Corporation
- Calient Networks
- ActiveVideo Networks
- American Express, Inc.
- Federal Reserve Bank
- ZD Labs, Ziff-Davis Publishing Company
- John Wiley & Sons, Publishers.
Education: B.A. Design
Memberships: Former member of the AIGA and Society for Technical Communication (STC) and Society for Technical Communication (STC).